Lasers are an important part of our game, so since they’ve got a big visual overhaul, I thought it’d be interesting to break it down and see how all the elements work together.
Something I’ve has been working on recently is how we start and finish levels in Unseen Diplomacy 2. We’re keen on keeping everything in world through the use of diegetic design.
Welcome back! Last time we talked a little about the history of portals in games, this time I’m going to go into some of the details of getting portals to work in Unity for UD2.
Unseen Diplomacy is all about bending space around the player so they can explore a really big space in a much smaller space. The way we did this in UD1 was technically very simple, but required a lot of careful manual work. For UD2 I want to use portals instead, so let’s do a brief history of portals why they’re… read more
We hope you had some great holidays! We’re back in the office after a month of moving and of various family activities and our new DV1 Knuckles have arrived. This weeks blog post we’re continuing to analyse the results of our survey, and will be covering accessibility issues.
The results of our survey are in! With the help of the SWCTN we had some proper time to sit and seriously research, and this time is all about where VR games are played.
Greetings Agent. Agents such as yourself and others across the world have been filling in our player survey and we’ve had a great response! It’s super useful for us to figure out what direction UD2 should be going in. We’re keeping the survey open for another week, but one thing is already very clear – players’ primary platforms are HTC… read more
Unseen Diplomacy 2 is coming and is being made right now! Our first game was exceptionally popular, won us a lot of praise, and has some great fans like you. We believe that there’s ‘legs’ in the gameplay so we are making the sequel! The original Unseen Diplomacy was created for a one week event in October 2015, and… read more