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Unseen Diplomacy 2 is coming and is being made right now! Our first game was exceptionally popular, won us a lot of praise, and has some great fans like you. We believe that there’s ‘legs’ in the gameplay so we are making the sequel!


The original Unseen Diplomacy was created for a one week event in October 2015, and was released on Steam due to popular demand on the 4th April 2016. We’ve been trying to get funding since – and still yet to get anything close to the full budget we need. But thanks to Smash Hit Plunder sales and a small grant from South West Creative Technology Network (SWCTN), we’re now able to at least start the project. If you know of any publisher who would like Unseen Diplomacy 2 on their platform/storefront and is willing to fund its development, then send them our way!


For Smash Hit Plunder once we got funding we went quiet so we could work towards a big announcement. We didn’t enjoy that time – it was stressful, made playtesting the game much harder, and we felt that we missed out on growing a community.


We’re trying something a bit different with Unseen Diplomacy 2 – we are being open with our development. You’ll hear from us how it’s going, you’ll be able to join in and influence development using Twitter and Discord, and be the first to see the new title and how it develops.


SWCTN has been amazing in providing a grant. The grant allows us to investigate how to create VR content that is accessible for all kinds of users. We really need your help here, if you could fill in our first survey that will allow us to see who is playing VR or wants to play VR. We want to make sure that everyone can play our games – so please get involved in our Discord as we want to make sure Unseen Diplomacy 2 works for you! We’ll of course be sharing our findings with other developers to enable them to also create accessible content.


Keep coming back here for more blog posts and news about Unseen Diplomacy 2! And please out this survey as it really does affect what we’re building!